Drug dealers are wary of cops. They will do everything in their power not to be in contact with the latter. In short, cops are like poison to them.
But things sometimes happen unexpectedly. Take for instance the case of Jessie Mulligan, a drug suspect who allegedly texted a narcotics detective for a drug deal.

The detective took the offer and arranged for them to meet. She was later arrested and charged with three felony counts.
“She was surprised. She probably felt a little bit silly that she had contacted law enforcement,” Nevada County Sheriff's Dept. spokesman Lt. Steven Tripp said according to CBS Sacramento.
“When we get calls from criminals saying, ‘Hey, do you want to buy something?’ and it happens to be stolen, or of a criminal nature, sure, absolutely it makes our job easier,” Tripp added.
She just happened to trade her cell phone for a jail cell.