Spy Novelist Tom Clancy Passed Away aged 66

One of the best-selling authors in the US, Tom Clancy, has died at aged 66 at a Baltimore Hospital near his Maryland home, according to his publisher who confirmed the report. His works include the famous Jack Ryan series that hooked millions of people around the world.
A spy and military novelist, Clancy's several books were adapted in movies with most hitting the "successful mark", including The Hunt for Red October in 1984, with Alec Baldwin as Ryan and Sean Connery as Marko Ramius, a Soviet Submarine captain.

Prior to the book's adaptation to the film, The Hunt for Red October sold more than five million copies. It was Clancy's first published work.

Other Clancy's successful novels turned into films were Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger, both played by Harrison Ford as Ryan.