Father says his son was struck by a meteorite

A 7-year-old boy was playing in their Loxahatchee driveway Saturday when his father heard him scream.

"I walk into the house and about four minutes later, he comes to the window screaming,” Lippard said. “The gash looked pretty bad, but it wasn't bleeding a lot so we didn't panic."

The 43-year-old father went out to search for the cause of his son's injury and found pea-sized rocks in the driveway. However, the rocks didn't match the others around. 

Lippard believes they are meteorites, and are the ones responsible for his son's injury.

To confirm what he believes, he went to Florida Atlantic University to have the rocks examined. The rocks were magnetized which supports his theory they are meteorites. But researchers told Fox they "were not able to determine if the material brought to the laboratory by Mr. Lippard is a meteorite or not," and that more specialized equipment would be needed to do so.

Lippard won't give the rocks up unless there's a guarantee he'll get them back. He's still hoping to have them analyzed.

“This is a meteorite, I know it. I want to make sure they’re truly investigated properly.”

Getting hit by a meteorite is extremely low, but people have personal accounts having close encounters.

And in 2011, an egg-sized meteorite came crashing through the roof of the Comette(yes, that's their last name) family in France, the Guardian reported.
And in 1992, a car in New York was smashed by a 27-pound meteorite, according to the Orlando Sentinel.