"Knockout Game" Has Turned Deadly

A violent game called "knockout" or "knockout game" played mostly by teenagers that already caused deaths in New York and New Jersey, is presently starting to spread across the US. 

The players' objective in playing this terrifying game is to sucker punch an unsuspected bystander, and knocking them out with just a single punch. Victims are attacked without their knowing or warning, and sometimes even from behind.

In New York, a 78-year-old woman strolling her neighborhood tumbled to the ground after being punched in the head by a stranger. In New Jersey, a man named Ralph Santiago died after someone sucker-punched him. His neck was broken and his head was stuck in an iron fence.

According to authorities and psychologist, the games concept has been around for years. The players are mostly impulsive teenage boys looking to impress their friends.

"It's hard to excuse this behavior, there's no purpose to this," said Jeffrey Butts, a psychologist specializing in juvenile delinquency at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. "When someone runs into a store and demands money, you can sort of understand why they're doing it, desperation, whatever. But just hitting someone for the sheer thrill of seeing if you can knock someone out is just childish."

When asked about the reason for doing the game, very disturbing answers are given.“For the fun of it,” one teen said in the video. “They just want to see if you got enough strength to knock somebody out,” said by another.

In May 2013, two boys aged 13 and 15 were arrested and charged with manslaughter after attacking 51-year-old Michael Daniels. He died a day after being attacked. In April 16, 2011, 72-year-old Hoang Nguyen, died after an 18-year-old local teenager of Saint Louis, Missouri punched him in the head. His assailant is now behind bars with a 55 years prison sentence.

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