Some of the goodness of beer you should know

Beer has gotten a bad rap over the years. It causes the dreaded beer belly, making it something people hitting the gym regularly avoid.

We are told to drink wine and avoid beer because the former has more benefits than the latter, and it's safer too.

Is it really bad to drink beer? Should we really avoid it? Does it posses something good worth sharing and making it something worth drinking?

Let's talk about its ingredients. Beer is created from water, barley, hops and yeast - its four basic ingredients. The result is alcohol and carbon dioxide. You can however mix it with stuff like ale, stout, etc.  - depending on what you like.

Fact is, beer contains the same antioxidant just like wine. It also has protein and B-vitamin. So if you drink beer after a sporting game of your preference will boost and replenish your protein better than the one popular, the wine. Here's the kicker though, beer is a good source of B-vitamin, but the alcohol in it cancels out those benefits.

Another thing, one or two glasses of beer a day will help the 206 white thingies inside our bodies. it contains silicon which is link to bone strength and health.

Here are just some and there might be more. But at least, we now know it's not that bad after all.

But of course, everything should be done in moderation. Anything too much isn't good at all. Happy drinking!