Is Typhoon Hainan Man Made?

The category 5 super typhoon known internationally as Hainan is one of the strongest typhoon ever recorded in history. Typhoon as we know it is a natural phenomenon beyond people's control. But, is it really? 

A video about the massive storm claiming it was man-made and was uploaded on Youtube by dutchsinse is getting rounds on social networking sites. 

According to the video, it was born out of a microwave anomaly in the West Pacific. It discusses about the findings, and as to where exactly the origin of this microwave pulse. Where exactly? At a US Airforce base in Guam!

About 10,000 people are feared dead in the Philippines when Hainan made landfall on Friday, November 8th. 

The video may or may not be true. We are leaving the decision whether your're going to believe it or not.