The 10 Most Popular College Majors For Millionaires

A person who holds a degree has a greater chance of landing a job as opposed to someone who doesn't have. But do millionaires around the world do the job according to their vocation?
A new study from WealthInsight revealed that more millionaires have degrees in engineering compared to other subjects. But that doesn't mean these millionaires are literally practicing what they learned. Most engineering graduates aren't actually engineers but entrepreneurs. 

However, when only examining graduate degrees, MBAs rise to the top of the list — 12.8% of the millionaires WealthInsight looked at have one.
The top 10 degrees that millionaires earn:
  1. Engineering
  2. MBA
  3. Economics
  4. Law
  5. Business Administration
  6. Commerce
  7. Accounting
  8. Computer Science
  9. Finance
  10. Politics
And here's just for graduate degrees:
  1. MBA
  2. Law
  3. Engineering
  4. Economics
  5. Finance
  6. Management
  7. Computer Science
  8. Medicine
  9. Accounting
  10. Mathematics